Kids: Sign up to read for 500 minutes during June and July (toddlers can sign up to do an activity sheet instead) and get a free book, free pizza, and more! Any age up through fifth grade can participate. Kids can also join us every week starting Monday, June 6, with the all-ages ice cream party! Preschoolers will attend at 10:30 am on Tuesdays; grades 3-5 on Wednesdays; and grades K-2 on Thursdays. Look for visits from the zoo (with real animals!), games, and more! Kids attend according to grade just completed. There will be weekly contests, a final party in July, and a Grand Prize Drawing for everyone who finishes the reading or attends the final party. Find out more about Kids' Summer Reading!
Teens: This summer, teens can play BINGO to win! To win, you just need to make one BINGO (do five activities from the BINGO card in a row, a column, or a diagonal). Winners receive a $5.00 certificate to Tano’s, afree book of their choice, and an invitation to the end-of-summer Pizza Party! Learn more.
Adults: June 6 is also the start of this year’s adult summer reading fun! Pick up and fill out a small form for each book you read and drop it into the big glass jar in the library. Each week a few forms will be drawn and the lucky winners will receive a homemade pie! Pick up your entry forms at the front desk, beside the jar, or get them online. It's that simple! Learn more.