
Movie Night: Rogue One

rogue one movie night

Bored? Have some free time? Or do you just have a craving for movie theater-style popcorn? Swanton Public Library presents its inaugural Movie Night! Our first official film will be the Star Wars prequel Rogue One. Come as you are, sit back, relax, and enjoy a good film and good snacks! Join us at 6:00 pm on Thursday, March 16. Please note that Rogue One is rated PG-13. 


Cardmaking: Spring into Spring

cardmaking mar 2023

Our resident cardmaking expert is back, and for March, she’s here help you ring in the spring after this long and turbulent winter! During this class, you’ll have the chance to make three cards on a Spring or Easter theme. March’s class will be held at 5:30 pm on Thursday, March 16. Class fee is $7/per person – all supplies provided. Please register no later than the day before the class, as there may not be enough spare cardmaking material otherwise!

Documentary Night: Alice's Ordinary People

documentary mar 2023

Missed seeing the documentary last month? Join us for a reprise of our ‘historical’ movie night at the library! In advance of a visit from documentarian Craig Dudnik – and just in time for Women’s History Month – we’ll be showing ‘Alice’s Ordinary People.’ This documentary follows the life and career of activist Alice Tregay and her Ordinary People, boots-on-the-ground civil rights activists of the Chicago Freedom Movement. No registration is necessary, and the library will provide popcorn and other refreshments. Stop in on Thursday, March 15 at 6:00 pm; we hope to see you there!

Digital Historian Visit - Craig Dudnik

craig dudnik visit

Thanks to the power of online conference programs, we’re able to bring in speakers from further afield! This month we’ll videocall with documentarian Craig Dudnik, who created ‘Alice’s Ordinary People’ – the documentary we showed earlier in the month. This program is free to attend, but we highly suggest pre-registering so we know how many seats to save. We hope to see you there at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, March 29!

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